Bulgarian university ranking position is one of the best in Europe, despite the Bulgarian state’s low investments in higher education. The first ranking university in Bulgaria is Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski which is ranked among the first 800 universities in the world according to the Ranking Web of Universities.
They annually attract a great and growing number of both native and especially international students from all over the world, be it the Europe, USA, South America, Africa, Asia or Australia. Bulgarian Universities are internationally accredited and rank highly on the list of directories of international universities globally.
The quality of universities in Bulgaria is ensured by the Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) which is a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
Most of Bulgarian universities offer all courses in English and Bulgarian. Other universities offer selected programs (Bachelor, Master of PhD) in English and other in Bulgarian, and a few of them in Germany and French.
Most international students are attracted by programs available in international language (especially in English: technical, economical, medical programs). Bulgarian university and post university diploma are highly appreciated in all over the world.

Bulgarian University Ranking System offer information on Bulgarian Universities (general information on the university of your choice, the professional fields it covers and the majors and degrees it offers), predefined ranking (rankings made for a particular pre-selected professional field, which have been developed based on a set of predefined indicators), costumer ranging (users can produce their own custom rankings, based on their individual priorities and needs), comparison ranking (between universities in the chosen professional field, and different professional fields within the Bulgarian universities, including career of graduates and relevance to the labour)etc.