Dental Medicine Tuition fees in Bulgaria

Dental Medicine Tuition fees in Bulgaria may change depending on the language of instruction, the citizen of student and dental medical faculties.

  • Dental Medicine Tuition fees for dental medical course in English: 8.000 €/year for all students.
  • Dental Medicine Tuition fees for dental medical course in Bulgarian: 7.000 to 8.000 €/year for non-EU/EEA and Switzerland students; around 800 € for EU/EEA and Switzerland students.
  • Dental Medicine Tuition fees for pre-dental medical course in English: 4.000 to 4.800 € for one for one year for all students;
  • Dental Medicine Tuition fees for pre-dental medical course in Bulgarian: 3.200 to 3.700 € for all students;

Annual Dental Medicine Tuition fees in Bulgaria for English language programs can be paid in two equal instalments (at the beginning of each academic year or at the beginning of every semester) but not later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester.

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