Medical study in Bulgaria

Medical study in bulgaria (general Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery etc.) today is to study medicine in a country with a long standing tradition in the medical field.  Medical students can choose to study in English, or Bulgarian, depending on the medical university offers.

All medical universities in Bulgaria organise preparatory year for university medical study (premedical study) in English or in French for international students without enough commend of language of instruction. The students have English or Bulgarian courses but also main subjects for further medical studies (biology, chemistry, physics, etc).

Medical University in Bulgaria in English ( Pleven, Plovdiv, Varna, Sofia and Trakia medical university): universities of medicine in Bulgaria are one of the cheapest and best medical university in Europe and  include  the faculty of dentistry and faculty of pharmacy in Bulgarian language .
All of Medical Universities in Bulgaria are mainly teaching in Bulgarian language. But most of them have some medical programs in English. Most of that, each medical university in Bulgaria organizes Bulgarian preparatory course for medical study in Bulgarian/ english language.

Foreign citizens, coming from countries, that are not members of the EU, are only enrolled for training as self-paid students. EU/EEA and Suisse students seat for an entrance exam (on request) like Bulgarian students and get Bulgarian financial assistance. But most of them prefer to apply as self-paid students.

Study Medicine in Bulgaria has become one of the major subjects in Europe and beyond. Today Bulgarian doctors are well appreciated in occidental countries and all over the world. Bulgarian medical schools attract thousands of medical school students every year and with the entry of Bulgaria in European Union, Bulgarian medical students from EU/EEA countries  are well represented.

Medical programs available in English are Medicine for 6 years, Dentistry for 6 years, Pharmacy for 5 years, Midwifery  for 4 years and Nursing for 4 years.  Bulgaria is an EEA country so if you qualify from Bulgaria then there is no need to take any exam such as PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board).
For more information for Bulgarian diploma in UK, visit:

Note that all postgraduates’ medical studies in Bulgaria are organized only in Bulgarian language and the only offers in English are 6 year (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing) and 5 year (pharmacy) programs of medicine in Bulgaria. Along with long medical programs, they are also a lot of short medical program studies of 3 to 4 years duration, most of them conducted in Bulgarian language.

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